- Use GIS to identify potential site replicates for assessing the effects of PL-566 structures on the ecological integrity of Missouri’s streams.
The Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act (PL-566) authorizes the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service to help local organizations and units of government plan and implement watershed projects. These projects can include flood prevention and damage reduction, development of rural water supply sources, erosion and sediment control, fish and wildlife habitat enhancement, wetland creation and restoration, and increased recreational opportunities.
The scientific literature suggests that flood control structures can have both positive and negative effects on biological integrity.
As a result of questions raised during the 401/404-permit process, as to the potential effect of these structures on biological integrity, an interagency advisory committee was formed to help devise strategies to answer many complex questions. Agencies represented on the committee include: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC), United States Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The committee devised the following goal:
Determine the positive or negative effects of headwater impoundments on hydrology, physical habitat, energy dynamics, water quality and biological interactions in headwater, midreach and mainstem streams.
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