
Diamond, A., David, D., & Lee, F. (2024). ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS OF THE SOUTH TEXAS COAST. The Southwestern Naturalist, 68(May), 100–111. <Download Paper>

Sunde, M., Diamond, D., & Elliott, L. (2023). Texas Ecological Mapping Systems (EMS) for Southern Texas Coastal Counties.

Diamond, D., Sunde, M., & Elliott, L. (2023). Texas Statewide Landcover, Ecological Systems, and Percentage Canopy Classifications (10-meter Resolution).

Diamond, D., Elliott, L., Steinauer, G., Kindscher, K., Hanberry, P., True, C.D., Sunde, M.G. (2021). Ecological Mapping Systems of Kansas and Nebraska.

Ma, T., Liang, Y., Sunde, M. G., Lau, M. K., Liu, B., Wu, M. M., & He, H. S. (2021). Assessing the effects of climate variable and timescale selection on uncertainties in dryness/wetness trends in conterminous China. International Journal of Climatology, 41(5), 3058–3070.

Sunde, M. G., Diamond, D. D., Elliott, L. F., Hanberry, P., & True, D. (2020). Mapping high-resolution percentage canopy cover using a multi-sensor approach. Remote Sensing of Environment, 242, 111748.

Dang, Y., He, H., Zhao, D., Sunde, M., & Du, H. (2020). Quantifying the Relative Importance of Climate Change and Human Activities on Selected Wetland Ecosystems in China. Sustainability, 12(3), 912.

Sunde, M. G., He, H. S., Hubbart, J. A., & Urban, M. A. (2018). An integrated modeling approach for estimating hydrologic responses to future urbanization and climate changes in a mixed-use midwestern watershed. Journal of Environmental Management, 220.

Fu, Y., He, H. S., Zhao, J., Larsen, D. R., Zhang, H., Sunde, M. G., & Duan, S. (2018). Climate and spring phenology effects on autumn phenology in the Greater Khingan Mountains, northeastern China. Remote Sensing, 10(3).

Sunde, M. G., He, H. S., Hubbart, J. A., & Urban, M. A. (2017). Integrating downscaled CMIP5 data with a physically based hydrologic model to estimate potential climate change impacts on streamflow processes in a mixed-use watershed. Hydrological Processes, 31(9), 1790–1803.

Sunde, M., He, H. S., Hubbart, J. A., & Scroggins, C. (2016). Forecasting streamflow response to increased imperviousness in an urbanizing Midwestern watershed using a coupled modeling approach. Applied Geography.

Chinnasamy, P., & Sunde, M. G. (2016). Improving spatiotemporal groundwater estimates after natural disasters using remotely sensed data – a case study of the Indian Ocean Tsunami. Earth Science Informatics, 9(1), 101–111.

Sunde, M. G., He, H. S., Zhou, B., Hubbart, J. A., & Spicci, A. (2014). Imperviousness Change Analysis Tool (I-CAT) for simulating pixel-level urban growth. Landscape and Urban Planning.

Sayre, R., J. Dangermond, C. Frye, R. Vaughan, P. Aniello, S. Breyer, D. Cribbs, D. Hopkins, R. Nauman, W. Derrenbacher, D. Wright, C. Brown, C. Convis, J. Smith, L. Benson, D. Paco VanSistine, H. Warner, J. Cress, J. Danielson, S. Hamann, T. Cecere, A. Reddy, D. Burton, A. Grosse, D. True, M. Metzger, J. Hartmann, N. Moosdorf, H. Dürr, M. Paganini, P. DeFourny, O. Arino, S. Maynard, M. Anderson, and P. Comer. (2014). A New Map of Global Ecological Land Units–An Ecophysiographic Stratification Approach. Washington, DC: Association of American Geographers.

Diamond DD et al. (2013). Vegetation mapping and classification of Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield. Natural Resource Report. NPS/WICR/NRR—2013/650. National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado. Published Report-2194315. Go to Related Project

Diamond DD et al. (2013). Vegetation mapping and classification of Pea Ridge National Military Park. Natural Resource Report. NPS/PERI/NRR—2013/649. National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado. Published Report-2194308. Go to Related Project

Diamond DD et al. (2013). Vegetation mapping and classification of George Washington Carver National Monument. Natural Resource Report. NPS/GWCA/NRR—2013/648. National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado. Published Report-2194304.c Go to Related Project

Diamond, David. (2011). Ecological Approach to Infrastructure Development For the East-West Gateway Final Report for FY2011.
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Diamond, D. D. (2010). Texas Fire Fuel Model Mapping Project Summary Report. Go to Related Project

Diamond, D. D. and L. F. Elliott. (2010). Ecological land type association modeling for East Texas. Final Report and GIS data layers delivered to U.S. Forest Service, Lufkin, Texas. Go to Related Project

Diamond, D. D. and L. F. Elliott. (2010). USFS Ecological Classification System Mapping Report. Go to Related Project

Elliott, L. F. (2010). Draft Descriptions of Systems, Mapping Subsystems, and Vegetation Types for Texas Ecological Systems Classification Phase 3. Go to Related Project

Ludeke, Kim, Duane German, and Jim Scott. (2010). Texas Vegetation Classification Project: Interpretive Booklet for Texas Ecological Systems Classification Phase 3. Go to Related Project

Elliott, L. F. (2010). Draft Descriptions of Systems, Mapping Subsystems, and Vegetation Types for Texas Ecological Systems Classification Phase 2. Go to Related Project

Ludeke, Kim, Duane German, and Jim Scott. (2010). Texas Vegetation Classification Project: Interpretive Booklet for Texas Ecological Systems Classification Phase 2 Go to Related Project

Annis, G. M., D. D. Diamond and A.J. Garringer. (2009). Stream-reach specific watershed data: threats to aquatic ecosystem integrity. Training Manual and Report for Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Jefferson City. Go to Related Project

Annis, G. M., S. P. Sowa, D. D. Diamond, A. Garringer, P. Hanberry, and M. E. Morey. (2009). Completing and Integrating Core Aquatic GAP Geospatial Data Layers for the Missouri River Basin. Final Report, submitted to the USGS National Gap Analysis Program. 1,259 pp. Go to Related Project

Annis, G. M., S. P. Sowa, D. D. Diamond, M. D. Combes, K. E. Doisy, A. J. Garringer, and P. Hanberry. (2009). Developing Synoptic Human Threat Indices for Assessing the Ecological Integrity of Freshwater Ecosystems in EPA Region 7. Final Report, submitted to Environmental Protection Agency. 192 pp. Go to Related Project

Diamond, D. D., L. F. Elliott, C. F. Blodgett, C. D. True, and D. German. (2009). Existing vegetation type modeling and map for Central and East Texas. Interpretive brochure and GIS data layers delivered to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin. Go to Related Project

Blodgett, C. (2008). Development of New Remote Sensing Techniques for Wetland Mapping Final Report Go to Related Project

Blodgett, C., R. Lea and D. D. Diamond. (2008). Development of new remote sensing techniques for mapping wetlands in the Missouri River floodplain. Final Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Kansas City, Missouri. Go to Related Project

Diamond, D. D. and C. D. True. (2008). Distribution of Junipers Woodlands in Central Texas in relation to general abiotic site type. In Western North American Juniperus Communities. O. W. Van Auken (editor). Springer.

Diamond, D.D., G. Annis, M. Morey, and D. Pursell. (2008). Effigy Mounds National Monument ecological condition assessment. Final Report to National Park Service.

Diamond, D.D., S. Sowa, G. Annis, M. Morey, and D. Pursell. (2008). Ozark National Scenic Riverways ecological condition assessment. Final Report to National Park Service. Go to Related Project

Brewer, S., C. F. Rabeni, S. P. Sowa, and G. Annis. 2007. Natural-occurring landscape and in-channel factors affecting the distribution and relative abundance of riverine smallmouth bass in Missouri. North American Journal of Fish Management 27: 326-341.

Comer, P., D. Diamond, S. P. Sowa, K. Goodin, D. Pursell, D. Butler, E. Cook, C. Hamilton, G. Hammerson, L. Master, T. Nigh, M. Ormes, D. True, and B. White. (2007). Using NatureServe Information to Assess Farm Bill Practice Effects on At-risk Species and Habitats. Report to the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, Washington DC. 53pp. plus appendices

Diamond, D. D. and R. Lea. (2007). Missouri River floodplain landform modeling and ownership database development. Final Report and Data Deliver to Audubon Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Go to Related Project

Sowa, S. P., G. Annis, M. E. Morey, and A. Garringer. (2007). Improving predicted distribution models for riverine species: An example from Nebraska. Annual Bulletin of the National Gap Analysis Program Number 15.

Sowa, S. P., G. Annis, M. E. Morey, and D. D. Diamond. (2007). A gap analysis and comprehensive conservation strategy for riverine ecosystems of Missouri. Ecological Monographs 77(3): 301-334. Go to Related Project

DeBoer, T. S. and D. D. Diamond. (2006). Predicting presence/absence of the endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia). The Southwestern Naturalist 51:181-190.

Diamond, D. D. (2006). Evaluation of NatureServe’s Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP). Final Report to NatureServe. Go to Related Project

Diamond, D. D., and R. Lea. (2006). Missouri River floodplain landform modeling and ownership database development. Final Report to Audubon of Missouri, Columbia. Go to Related Project

Sowa, S. P. (2006). A riverine ecosystem classification system for Missouri: A tool for Natural Area designation and management. Missouri Natural Areas Newsletter Fall 2006: 4-6.

Sowa, S. P. and D. D. Diamond. September (2006). Using GIS and an aquatic ecological classification system to classify and map distinct riverine ecosystems throughout EPA Region 7. Final report submitted to USEPA. Washington, DC. 242 pp. Go to Related Project

Sowa, S. P., G. Annis, M. E. Morey, and A. Garringer. July (2006). Developing predicted distribution models for fish species in Nebraska. Final report submitted to the USGS National Gap Analysis Program. Moscow, ID. 489 pp.

Whitledge, G. W., C. F. Rabeni, S. P. Sowa, and G. Annis. (2006). Riparian shading and groundwater enhance growth potential for smallmouth bass in Ozark streams. Ecological
Applications 16(4): 1461-1473.

Diamond, D. D. S. P. Sowa, W. E. Foster, H. Mehl, G. Annis, C. D. True. (2005). Development of Conservation Focus Area Models for EPA Region 7. EPA Regional Geographic Initiative Final Report. 87 pp.

Diamond, D. D., C.D. True, S. P. Sowa, W. E. Foster, and K. B. Jones. (2005). Influence of targets and assessment region size on perceived conservation priorities. Environmental Management 35:130-137.

Doisy, K. E., C. F. Rabeni, S. P. Sowa, and M. A. Urban. (2005). Landscape factors associated with sediment in Missouri streams. Final Report, submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency, Report Number X7-98750001-0, Kansas City, MO.

Fitzgerald, J. A., C. D. True, D. D. Diamond, T. Ettel, L. Moore, T. A. Nigh, S. Vorisek, and G. Wathel. (2005). Delineating focus areas for bird conservation in the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region. Pgs. 192-202 In Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference 2002. C. J. Ralph and T. D. Rich, editors. U.S.D.A. Forest Service, GTR-PSW-191, Albany, CA.

Nigh, T. A. and S. P. Sowa. (2005). An Aquatic Biodiversity Assessment for Missouri. Final Report, submitted to the Missouri Department of Conservation. 322 pp.

Sowa, S. P., D. D. Diamond, R. Abbitt, G. Annis, T. Gordon, M. E. Morey, G. R. Sorensen, and D. True. (2005). A Gap Analysis for Riverine Ecosystems of Missouri. Final Report, submitted to the USGS National Gap Analysis Program. 1675 pp. Go to Related Project

Alldredge, M. W., J. S. Hatfield, D. D. Diamond, and C. D. True. (2004). Golden-cheeked Warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia) in Texas: Importance of dispersal toward persistence in an meteapopulation. In Species conservation and management. H. R. Ackakaya, M. A. Burgman, O. Kinduall, C. C. Wood, P. Sjogren-gulve, J.S. Hatfield, and M. A. MJcCarthy, editors. Oxford University Press.

Blodgett, C., K. Palaniappan, and D.D. Diamond. (2004). Statewide Land Cover Classification Using an Ecoregion-Based Ground Truth Data Warehouse. IGARSS 2004. Anchorage, Alaska, September 20-24, 2004.

Blodgett, C., R. Lea, and M. Schanta. (2004). A Change Detection Methodology Sensitive to Subtle Variation in the Missouri Ozark Forests. ASPRS Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, May 23-28, 2004.

Blodgett, C., R. Lea, and M. Schanta. (2004). Utility of ASTER data for satellite based change detection in the SLC-off era. ASPRS Fall Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, September 12-16, 2004.

Hatfield, J. S., A. H. Price, D. D. Diamond, and C. D. True. (2004). Houston Toad (Bufo houstonensis) in Bastrop County, Texas: Need for protection multiple subpopulations. In Species conservation and management. H. R. Ackakaya, M. A. Burgman, O. Kinduall, C. C. Wood, P. Sjogren-gulve, J.S. Hatfield, and M. A. McCarthy, editors. Oxford University Press.

Sowa, S. P. and R. Abbitt. (2004). Using GIS to Identify Potential Sample Sites for Assessing the Effects of PL-566 Structures on the Ecological Integrity of Missouri’s Streams. Final Report, submitted to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. 79 pp.

Sowa, S. P., D. D. Diamond, R. Abbitt, G. M. Annis, T. Gordon, M. E. Morey, G. R. Sorensen, and D. True. (2004). The aquatic component of Gap Analysis: A Missouri Prototype. Final Report, U.S. Department of Defense Legacy Program, Washington, D.C.

Sowa, S. P., G. M. Annis, D. D. Diamond, D. Figg, M. E. Morey, and T. Nigh. (2004). An overview of the data developed for the Missouri Aquatic GAP project and an example of how it is being used for conservation planning. Gap Analysis Bulletin 12:7-19 Go to Related Project

Diamond, D. D., K. B. Jones, C. Lake, and W. E. Foster. (2003). Identifying high priority conservation opportunity areas: the influence of conservation targets on results. Final Report, US EPA, Region 7, Kansas City, KS.

Diamond, D. D., T. D. Gordon, C. D. True, R. D. Lea, and W. E. Foster. (2003). An ecoregion-based conservation assessment and conservation opportunity area inventory for the Lower Midwestern USA. Natural Areas Journal 23:129-140.

Diamond, D.D. and T. Gordon. (2003). Information development and delivery for conservation of sensitive ecosystems within the James River basin. Final Report, US EPA, Region 7, Kansas City, KS.

Diamond, D. D. and C. Blodgett. (2003). Urban remote sensing for land use change and impacts. Final Report, US EPA, Office of Research and Development, Las Vegas.

Diamond, D.D. and C.D. True. (2002). Ecoregion-based Forest Gap Analysis and Target Conservation Protection Areas: A Methodology, Pilot Project, and Delivery via Arc Internet Map Server. Final Report to World Wildlife fund, Washington, DC.

Rabeni, C. F. and S. P. Sowa. (2002). A Landscape Approach to Managing the Biota of Rivers and Streams. Pages 114-142, In: J. Liu and W. W. Taylor eds. Integrating Landscape Ecology into Natural Resource Management. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK.

Brown, N. R., R. F. Noss, and D. D. Diamond. (2001). Conservation biology and forest certification: working together toward ecological sustainability. Journal of Forestry 99:18-25.

Diamond, D. D. 2001. An ecoregion-based opportunity area inventory. The Glade 3: 7-8.

>Diamond, D. D. and C. D. True. (2001). Conservation opportunity area assessment: providing ecological context and understandable products for natural resource managers. Final Report to Raytheon Corporation.

Diamond, D. D., C. D. True, T. Gordon, and R. Lea. (2001). An ecoregion-based conservation assessment for EPA Region 7. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Kansas City, MO.

Diamond, D. D. and C. D. True. (2000). Forest fragmentation: using new technologies to develop and deliver for practical use by land managers. Final Report to World Wildlife Fund, Washington, DC.

Diamond, D. D., T. Gordon, and K. He. (2000). Collection and processing of a high volume of field data for Missouri land use/land cover mapping project. Gap Analysis Bulletin 9:8-11.

Wildhaber, M. L., A. L. Allert, C. J. Schmitt, V. M. Tabor, D. Mulhern, K. L. Powell and S. P. Sowa. (2000). Natural and anthropogenic influences on the distribution of the threatened Neosho madtom in a Midwestern warmwater stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129: 243-261.

Diamond, D. D., T. Gordon, and C. D. True. (1999). Conservation ranking of watersheds versus Land Type Associations using remotely sensed land cover data. Final Report, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Jefferson City.

Drobney, R. T. L. Haithcoat, and D. D. Diamond. (1999). Missouri GAP Analysis Project. Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Missouri.

Sowa, S. P. (1999). Implementing the Aquatic Component of Gap Analysis in Riverine Environments. Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership, 4200 New Haven Road, Columbia, MO. 155 pp.

Sowa, S. P. (1999). The Missouri Aquatic GAP Pilot Project: A Status Report. Annual Bulletin of the National Gap Analysis Program, 8:32-34. Go to Related Project

Diamond, D. D. (1998). An old-growth definition for southwestern subtropical upland forests. United States Forest Service, Southern Research Station, General Technical Report SRS-21.

Diamond, D. D. (1998). Review of Conservation in Highly Fragmented Landscapes. Edited by Mark W. Schwartz. Chapman and Hall, Inc., NY. Journal of Wildlife Management 62:1581-1582.

Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership (MoRAP). (1998). Region-based natural resource inventory and public opinion information. Ten volumes. Missouri Department of Conservation, Jefferson City, Missouri.

Sowa, S. P. (1998). Gap Analysis in riverine environments. Annual Bulletin of the National Gap Analysis Program, 7:31-39.

Diamond, D. D., C. D. True, and K. He. (1997). Regional priorities for conservation of rare species in Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist 42:400-408.

Diamond, David D. (1997). An old-growth definition for western juniper woodlands: Ashe juniper dominated or co-dominated communities. United States Forest Service, Southern Research Station, General Technical Report SRS-15.

True, C. D., D. D. Diamond, and K. He. (1997). MoRAP – an interagency partnership. First Place, Map Gallery Best Poster Panel Competition, International ESRI Users Conference, San Diego, CA.

Diamond, D. D. and C. D. True. (1996). The Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership (MoRAP). Promotional Brochure, University of Missouri, Columbia.